UPDATED New European Visa Requirements Starting Early 2025. Are You Prepared for ETIAS?
Updated 9/28/2023
New European Visa Requirements Starting Early 2024 2025. Are You Prepared for ETIAS?
Starting early in 2025, US travelers will need a new document called “ETIAS” to enter the European Union. If you are a US citizen traveling to the EU as a tourist, you will need this ETIAS documentation to enter. While it is being called by many a “visa requirement,” technically, it is a new pre-arrival authorization.
What is the ETIAS?
The European Travel Information and Authorization System, or ETIAS, is a new required document for entry to the EU. The online application for tourists and travelers entering the European Union was expected to open in 2024. However, authorities are now projecting that the new requirement will begin in May 2025 at the earliest. Please watch our website and Social Media for more information as it becomes available.
What are the ETIAS requirements?
All travelers will need to complete an online form at the official ETIAS website: https://etias.com/
The application will include your name, passport information, contact details, and other basic background information. It will also require a €7 (approximately $9, based on the current exchange rate) fee. The fee will be waived for travelers younger than 18 or over the age of 70. Debit and credit card payments will be accepted, but check with your bank regarding foreign transaction fees. The application, if accepted and approved, is good for three years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first. Keep this documentation secure if you plan to visit the European Union more than once in the next three years.
Who is responsible for securing ETIAS authorization?
You are. The ETIAS authorization documentation, like your passport, is your responsibility to have and hold during entry to the EU. You may be denied entry to the EU if you do not have the ETIAS document. So, please secure this necessary document before arriving in the EU. According to etias.com, most people will be approved within minutes. However, they note that some applications may take up to 30 days to be approved, so we suggest applying as soon as possible. If, for whatever reason, your application is denied, there is an appeals process outlined on the etias.com website.
When does the ETIAS requirement start?
While a specific date has not yet been released, the EU said the ETIAS requirement will begin in 2025. We expect to see this early in the year, so please watch for more information in the coming months.
What countries in Europe will require the ETIAS?
This is a European Union requirement. Presently, all twenty-seven EU countries will require ETAIS authorization. This includes all popular Catholic pilgrimage locations such as Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland. For a complete list of the countries requiring ETIAS documentation upon entry, click HERE.
How do I apply for ETIAS authorization?
The application will be available online in the coming months at etias.com. Once the website is fully operational, you must log on, fill out the application, pay the fee, and wait for authorization. Once you have an approved ETIAS authorization document, you must keep it on your person or in your carry-on while traveling to any country in the EU.
Will Select get this authorization for me?
No. You are responsible for applying and securing the ETIAS authorization and carrying the documentation on your person or your carry-on while traveling to the EU. Select International Tours cannot get this authorization for you.
Why can’t Select help me complete the application?
The traveler who will be using it must complete this official government document. Select does not have the legal authorization to complete this registration for you.
What happens if I am denied?
There will be a formal appeals process that will be outlined when the ETIAS website goes live. While we don’t yet have the specifics, we strongly suggest that you register as early as possible in case of challenges.
PLEASE NOTE: Select International Tour cannot help you with this process. You MUST follow the instructions on the official ETIAS website.
Where can I learn more about this requirement?
The official government European Union website created for ETIAS can be found HERE.
Additional information can be found on the Travel-Europa website HERE.

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