Embark on a transformative Catholic pilgrimage to Assisi, the heart of spirituality and peace, with Select International Tours. This sacred journey offers an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, experiencing the profound serenity and devotion that permeates this historic town.

Why Choose Assisi for Your Catholic Pilgrimage?

Similar to a Catholic pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi is not just a destination; it’s a passage into a storied past filled with faith, miracles, and timeless lessons of humility and love. Nestled in the rolling hills of Umbria, Italy, Assisi’s narrow streets, medieval buildings, and sacred sanctuaries offer pilgrims a unique blend of spiritual enrichment and historical wonder. This town, where St. Francis of Assisi lived and preached, continues to be a beacon of light for those seeking spiritual growth and renewal.

The Basilica of San Francesco

The centerpiece of any pilgrimage to Assisi is the Basilica of San Francesco, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The basilica is a complex of two churches built between 1228 and 1253, where the saint’s remains are interred. It is adorned with frescoes by medieval artists like Giotto, depicting scenes from the life of St. Francis that inspire and educate pilgrims on his teachings and his life’s work.

Other Sacred Sites

Beyond the basilica, Assisi offers numerous other sacred sites that are pivotal to understanding Francis and Clare’s legacies:

  • The Basilica of Santa Chiara: Dedicated to St. Clare, founder of the Poor Clares and follower of St. Francis.
  • Hermitage of the Carceri: Located in the hills above Assisi, this hermitage is where St. Francis would retreat for prayer.
  • San Damiano: The crucifix that spoke to St. Francis, instructing him to “rebuild my church,” is housed here.

The Legacy of St. Francis and St. Clare

St. Francis of Assisi is celebrated for his rejection of wealth and his embrace of poverty, which led him to found the Franciscan Order. His teachings and actions emphasizing simplicity and the importance of nature have made him a timeless figure of Christian humility and environmental stewardship. St. Clare, under the guidance of St. Francis, founded the Order of Poor Ladies, now known as the Poor Clares, and dedicated her life to religious austerity and caring for the poor and sick. The impact of their lives is palpable throughout Assisi, not only in the religious sites but also in the ethos of the community that continues to inspire millions around the world.

Living the Message of Assisi

Your pilgrimage with Select International Tours is not only a visit to sacred sites but an invitation to live out the messages of peace, simplicity, and charity espoused by St. Francis and St. Clare. Pilgrims are encouraged to engage in moments of solitude and introspection, reflecting on their personal journeys and the ways they can incorporate the lessons of Assisi into their daily lives. This connection to the past becomes a bridge to personal transformation, making the pilgrimage a profound, life-changing experience.

Why Select International Tours?

Selecting the right tour operator can significantly enhance the pilgrimage experience, turning a simple trip into a profound journey. Here’s why you should consider Select International Tours for your spiritual expedition to Assisi:

Expertise and Experience

With decades of experience in organizing Catholic pilgrimages, Select International Tours has perfected the art of creating deeply rewarding and hassle-free spiritual journeys. Our expertise in handling the logistics of travel, accommodations, and guided tours allows you to focus entirely on your spiritual experience.

Faith-Focused Itineraries

Our itineraries are crafted with a focus on maximizing your spiritual engagement with the places you visit. Each day of your journey in Assisi is thoughtfully planned to ensure you have meaningful encounters with the sacred sites, ample time for reflection, and opportunities to attend mass and receive sacraments.

Knowledgeable Guides

Our guides have a deep historical knowledge and are also devout Catholics who understand the spiritual significance of Assisi. They provide rich insights into the life and lessons of St. Francis and St. Clare, enhancing your connection to the holy sites you visit.

Comprehensive Service

From the moment you inquire until you return home, Select International Tours provides comprehensive support. We offer travel insurance options, advice on what to pack, and detailed pre-departure briefings. Our on-tour support includes first-class accommodations and transportation, ensuring a comfortable and safe pilgrimage.

Spiritual Reflection and Community Building

A key component of our pilgrimages is fostering a sense of community among participants. Group activities, shared meals, and communal prayers not only enhance the social aspect of the pilgrimage but also deepen the spiritual experience. These communal moments allow pilgrims to share insights, experiences, and faith, creating bonds that often last a lifetime.

A pilgrimage to Assisi is more than just a trip; it’s a journey of the heart and spirit. With Select International Tours, you are not just visiting sites; you are experiencing a deeper connection with the saints who walked these paths. Our commitment to providing an authentic and deeply enriching spiritual experience makes us the preferred choice for pilgrims seeking to explore their faith in the footsteps of saints.

Plan Your Pilgrimage

Are you ready to walk the sacred paths of St. Francis and St. Clare? Contact Select International Tours today to find out more about our upcoming pilgrimages to Assisi. Let us help you embark on this journey of a lifetime, filled with peace, reflection, and spiritual growth.