Brooke Taylor

Join Brooke Taylor on Pilgrimage

As a veteran of radio and host of the popular podcast The Brooke Taylor Show, Brooke Taylor shares her heart and hope in Jesus Christ with audiences everywhere. Brooke’s media career includes serving as recurring guest-host on Relevant Radio and appearances on EWTN. Brooke’s radio career spans over two decades working in various formats and interviewing world leaders and notable scholars, theologians and Catholic thinkers of our day. Brooke is the founder of Saint Gabriel Media and…

Upcoming Pilgrimage Trips

Learn More About Brooke Taylor

As a veteran of radio and host of the popular podcast The Brooke Taylor Show, Brooke Taylor shares her heart and hope in Jesus Christ with audiences everywhere. Brooke’s media career includes serving as recurring guest-host on Relevant Radio and appearances on EWTN. Brooke’s radio career spans over two decades working in various formats and interviewing world leaders and notable scholars, theologians and Catholic Thinkers of our day. Brooke is the founder of Saint Gabriel Media and the author of Choose Joy and Choose Hope and contributing writer to the book Our Friend Faustina. Her travels  include leading pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Italy. In 2019, Brooke completed the Jerusalem Marathon on behalf of the Pontifical Foundation, Aid to the Church in Need. Her efforts raised money for persecuted Christians in the Middle East. As a nationally recognized speaker, Brooke speaks on topics such as pilgrimage, adoption, parenting special needs children, and the domestic church. Brooke and her husband, Jim, are busy raising their five children: four sons and a daughter they adopted from Poland. For more information visit
Why is a Holy Land Pilgrimage Important for a Busy Mom
Brooke Taylor Chooses Select International Tours

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On Pilgrimage with Her Son
A Family Pilgrimage
Ice Cream Time

Previous Pilgrimage Trips


Holy Land – March 2020