Join Fr. Jim Blount on Pilgrimage
Fr. James Blount is a priest of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity – Georgia Mission. A very gifted Spiritual Director and Confessor, Fr. Jim is a bold charismatic preacher endowed and empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Father was ordained in 1999 and had been pastor for nine years at Divine Mercy Catholic Church in Belize where he also oversaw several missions, was Spiritual Director of the Charismatic movement for the country, and was instrumental in spearheading, by the Bishop’s orders, a Catholic radio station – Guadalupe Radio. He speaks of living a life in relationship with each of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. His teachings depict his deep love for the Eucharist and his intimate relationship, love, and devotion to Jesus and Mary, draws many souls to fall in love with them, also. Father is a powerful instrument of the Holy Spirit as evidenced by the many stories of miracles, healings and conversions. Father’s previous pastoral work has led him to new evangelistic pursuits such as recording videos with Queen of Peace Media, and giving teachings on Quest Atlanta Catholic Radio, Radio Maria, Relevant Radio, and others. He is deeply involved with the Flame of Love movement ( and promotes the Divine Will devotion, both of which have received Imprimaturs and approval of the Holy Catholic Church. His talks help to increase awareness of the intense Spiritual Battle in our present world where evil has waged war against the Sacred thus aiming toward the destruction of holy family life. His humble boldness and untiring drive to minister to the lost and ill are particularly noteworthy.
Dedicated to his healing and deliverance ministry, Father travels – preaching and proclaiming the Gospel whenever and wherever he can – in the United States and abroad, in joyful anticipation of the coming complete, world-wide victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, and the Chaste Heart of Good St. Joseph.