Join Lisa DelValle on Pilgrimage
Being open to an event and moment allowed my heart to be transformed. I mention the word, “open,” because without it we lose and miss out on so many opportunities for growth and transformation; both in heart and mind.
My moment came seven-years-ago. It led me back to the Church—and not just for a weekly visit, but with a new awareness that I had so much to learn about my Catholic faith—perhaps, “unlearn,” would be more accurate. In the process, I have had some powerful, purposeful encounters with the Lord that have led me to where I am today. Those encounters always left me wanting more; to go deeper. That is a feeling that I never want to lose. I knew that if I didn’t, “feed it,” it would dissipate.
The practice of placing ourselves in moments where we can encounter God should never end. Visiting the Holy Land was one of those moments for me. I walked side-by-side with Him from His conception, birth, death, and resurrection. Nothing is the same! This has given me more insight into His kingship and how I can live it here on Earth.
My prayer for you is this: if an opportunity arises to delve in, ask a question, take a listen, or visit a place; that you never discount it as, “impossible.” I pray that you don’t let distractions determine your response. I pray that you always ask, “Lord, what do you want from me? What are you calling me to do?” Ask Him to clarify and then, without fear, say, “Yes!” He will do the rest!
Always seek Him who reveals Himself to us. I pray that you will join me on this journey.
Peace be with you.
Upcoming Pilgrimage Trips