Join Stephen J. Binz on Pilgrimage
Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar and an award-winning author of over fifty books. As a popular speaker, he offers keynotes, seminars, and workshops at international, national, and regional conferences as well as education for clergy and pastoral leaders. He also offers topical presentations, missions, and retreats in churches internationally. In addition, he frequently leads pilgrimages to biblical sites and sacred places throughout the world.
His writing focuses on biblical commentary, biblical theology, and Christian spirituality. As founder and author of Threshold Bible Study, he has written and published thirty studies for personal and group Bible study. His books are published by Ave Maria Press, Franciscan Media, Twenty-Third Publications, Liturgical Press, The Word Among Us, OSV Publications, Brazos Press/Baker Publications, Little Rock Scripture Study, and Loyola Press. In recent years…
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Learn More About Stephen J. Binz
Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar and an award-winning author of over fifty books. As a popular speaker, he offers keynotes, seminars, and workshops at international, national, and regional conferences as well as education for clergy and pastoral leaders. He also offers topical presentations, missions, and retreats in churches internationally. In addition, he frequently leads pilgrimages to biblical sites and sacred places throughout the world.
His writing focuses on biblical commentary, biblical theology, and Christian spirituality. As founder and author of Threshold Bible Study, he has written and published thirty studies for personal and group Bible study. His books are published by Ave Maria Press, Franciscan Media, Twenty-Third Publications, Liturgical Press, The Word Among Us, OSV Publications, Brazos Press/Baker Publications, Little Rock Scripture Study, and Loyola Press. In recent years, his books have earned four First Place certificates in the “Excellence in Publishing Awards” of the Association of Catholic Publishers and a First Place and Second Place with the Catholic Press Association.
Following his undergraduate studies at the University of Dallas, Stephen earned graduate degrees at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, with additional studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the Catholic Biblical Association. In addition to his biblical and theological work, he is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has worked in the fields of psychotherapy and pastoral counseling. His writing and speaking reflect an emphasis on the psycho-social issues of healing, forgiveness, individual growth, and personal transformation.
Stephen currently lives in Baton Rouge with his wife Pamela. Look over his website at for further information on his publications, speaking topics, and contact information.

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Be sure to check out Stephen’s book, Holy Land Pilgrimage. Click HERE to get your copy today.
You may also want to read THIS INTERVIEW with Stephen on our Blog.