Walking Pilgrimages

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Walking Pilgrimages: The Traditional Pilgrimage Experience

Russ on the Camino

Our days move by too quickly. We look forward to a career one minute, and the next, we prepare to retire. Our children are born, and then we send them off to college in the flash of an eye. One day, you’re riding your bike with your friends from school; the next, it’s your 30th class reunion. Wouldn’t you love to slow things down a bit?

The art of walking pilgrimage offers an antidote to the busyness we have allowed into our lives. We all know that walking can help our mood and improve our health, but walking the sacred landscapes on a pilgrimage is like a tonic for our soul. 

Over seven to fifteen days, you walk through the stunning vistas and historic towns slowly enough to absorb the sacred beauty around you. Your mind unravels as your feet pass the miles. Your senses awaken as you live mindfully, away from the constant screens and notifications. You finally find the quiet you need to hear our Lord’s still, small voice. This is what a walking pilgrimage offers

Are Walking Pilgrimages Different from Other Pilgrimages?

Yes. When most people today think about taking a pilgrimage, they envision a trip to the Holy Land or Rome, where they visit sacred sights and celebrate daily Mass. They aren’t wrong. Those pilgrimages are entirely valid and life-changing. The difference lies less in the pilgrim’s intention–to seek God in the sacred–and more in how they approach the experience. Whereas most pilgrimages visit sacred sites, walking pilgrimages seek to see the sacred in the very landscape they traverse en route to the sites.

Practically speaking, walking pilgrimages do not always include daily Mass, and, being ecumenical, a priest might not accompany the group. The journey requires the pilgrim to depend on their own will and the providence of God to soften their hearts and commune with the sacred at every step. There are opportunities for Mass and the other sacraments in the many churches along the routes traveled, but they are not prescriptive. So, the journey becomes the pilgrimage, and the pilgrim takes the lead in communing with God along the way.

A walking pilgrimage involves a lot of walking, which should be obvious, but it can also be both lonely and socially stimulating. You will meet many people like you who are spiritually seeking, and you will share many meals and miles with them. However, there are also moments on any walking pilgrimage when you feel very far from home and often alone in your head. These are the moments that become transformative, but they must be expected.

Pilgrims on the Camino

Walking Trips

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Walking the Camino Portuguese with Russ and Jane Eanes
Holy Isles, Borders Abbeys and Hadrian's Wall with Russ and Jane Eanes
Walking the Way of St. Francis with Russ and Jane Eanes

Catholic Walking Pilgrimages

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Meet Russ & Jane Eanes

Russ Eanes Select Walking Pilgrimages

If you’ve ever wanted to walk one of these historic pilgrimage routes but were overwhelmed by all the information and logistics, we have the perfect trip for you. We handle all the flight arrangements, meals and accommodations while walking, and even luggage transport so that a day pack is all you need to carry. There’s also easy transportation options to pick you up if you’re having an off day on the trail. More importantly, we send you with a knowledgeable and experienced Guide and Tour Leader to ensure that this is a true pilgrimage. We are excited to partner with bestselling author Russ Eanes to build better walking pilgrimages for you. His experience in walking and guiding the Camino de Santiago and Way of St. Francis trips has inspired us to create an entirely new class of Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimages. He is partnered with his wife and experienced pilgrim, Jane, who serves as a co-leader on these trips.

For Russ Eanes, trekking 500 miles on the ancient Camino de Santiago was not just an item to check off his bucket list. It was a journey he had dreamed of taking for decades. At age 61, with his children grown, he was too young to retire but wise enough to know that he needed to reorient the hurried pace of his life. He left his work and took a sabbatical to “reset” himself, and the first step was to head to the Camino. With everything he needed in a 16-pound pack and, equipped with a set of seven simple principles, he took off from St. Jean Pied de Port, France, to walk, as pilgrims have for twelve centuries, across Spain, to realize his dream. It was the Walk of a Lifetime, which became the title of his first book.

In subsequent years he followed up that journey with multiple walks on the Way of St. Francis, in Italy and another book, Pilgrim Paths to Assisi. We are so excited to collaborate with this bestselling author to offer you highly curated and specialized walking pilgrimages on the Camino de Santiago, the Way of Saint Francis, and in the Borders of the UK and Scotland. With Russ’ expertise on walking routes, leading groups and Select’s expertise in planning group travel, you get the very best trip possible. Come explore these great pilgrimage on foot. You will return forever changed!

Read About Russ Eanes’ Walks

“My book is part personal memoir and part travel memoir, and combines history, spirituality, coffee, culture and humor into an engaging journey of personal rediscovery.”

What Participants Have Said about Russ Eanes’ Walks in 2024

“From the moment Jane greeted me in our hotel in Porto, to Russ’ wise words to us on the path each day, I felt we were in the best hands.”

“We are still basking in the glow of our Camino, definitely the highlight of 2024.”

Thank you so much for all you did making the Camino the fantastic experience that it was. Truly the trip of a lifetime!”

“The choice of itinerary was perfect for people like myself who have never done a pilgrimage before.”

Russ did a wonderful job planning the itinerary and linking the group up pre-departure, and then sharing his vast knowledge by teaching us about St. Francis as we visited the various sites along the way.”

Which walking pilgrimage is right for me?

Many walking pilgrimage routes exist, but which one is right for you? It’s easy to go down a rabbit hole and research the many possibilities, so let’s get a bird’s-eye view.

Walk the Camino de Santiago with Select International Tours

The Camino de Santiago

The Camino, or the Way of St. James, is an iconic pilgrimage route that has become part of the mainstream vernacular. Movies like The Way, featuring Martin Sheen, and books like The Walk of a Lifetime: 500 Miles on the Camino de Santiago, by Russ Eanes, have brought profound interest to this 9th-century pilgrimage route through Spain. 

The Way has seven routes to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, where tradition holds that the Saint James the Apostle’s relics are held. The most popular routes are the “French” Way and the “Portuguese” Way. However, with many routes to choose from, pilgrims can make several “Caminos” in their lifetime. 

Walking the Camino de Santiago is a profound physical experience that invites pilgrims to contemplate their place in the world and their spiritual journey through life If you are looking for a walking pilgrimage where you will meet a lot of new people and have a lot of great conversations, this is the one for you.

Walk the Way of Saint Francis with Select International Tours

The Way of Saint Francis

The Way of Saint Francis offers a less famous but equally enriching walking pilgrimage trip. The Way of Saint Francis follows familiar paths of one of the most well-known and revered Catholic Saints: St. Francis of Assisi. Connecting dozens of the places where he worked and ministered, walking the Way of St. Francis will take you through Umbria to Assisi, a landscape of verdant rolling hills, vineyards, and olive groves. 

On your walking pilgrimage through Italy, you may begin to understand how St. Francis’ love for nature and simplicity transformed Catholic spirituality in the Middle Ages. Perhaps, with his intercession, you will be transformed yourself on the way. If you want a walking pilgrimage with fewer people, a more physically challenging route, and stunning natural beauty, this is the one for you.

Walk Hadrian's Wall with Select International Tours

Edinburgh, the Borders, and the Holy Isle of Lindisfarne

For those looking for a different experience, this pilgrimage focuses more on place, than path. Beginning in Edinburgh, you will about the unique history of Scotland’s capital, exploring it on foot, walking the historic Mile, hiking up to Arthur’s Seat and riding via ferry to Inchcolm, a medieval abbey situated on a small island in the center of the Firth of Forth. And no trip to Edinburg is complete without a visit to the Scotch Whiskey Experience.

After that you will move down to Melrose to explore trails that link the Borders Abbeys and the Eildens, hills that were sacred long before the arrival of the Romans, who built a fort, Trimontium, just below them on the river Tweed, the traditional border of England and Scotland. After three days exploring there, you will transport east and cross over on foot to Lindisfarne, which along with Iona was one of the centers of the Celtic church fifteen centuries ago. You will have a day there to explore this magical island that turns into a peninsula when the tide is out, before returning to Edinburg.

An add-on to this tour is a three-day journey to Scotland’s Holy Isle, Iona, the center of mission for Columba, the most famous saint of the Celtic Church.

Gus Lloyd on the Camino de Santiago

Should I take a walking pilgrimage with a group?

Planning a walking pilgrimage is a logistically demanding undertaking. Many things must be considered, including where to stay, where to eat, and where to get good information about the sites and history along the walk. Additionally, you need to prepare physically for the trip, pack properly, and be prepared for the challenges of any multiple-day walking pilgrimage, especially the weather.

Booking your walking pilgrimage with a Group Tour Company is an excellent way to reduce the planning and logistics you need to accomplish so you can focus on preparing physically and spiritually for the trip. You just show up and walk! When traveling with a group, you can lean on like-minded travelers for anything you need during the pilgrimage. If you are directionally challenged or prone to loneliness, a group tour also allows you to rest easy throughout the trip, knowing that you are not alone and you’re heading in the right direction. A group becomes a walking community and even creates life-long friendships that last beyond the journey.



You’re going to need to rest after all that walking. Don’t leave your stay up to chance. By booking your walking pilgrimage with Select, you can be sure that you will be staying in trusted and well-appointed hotels.

Food is the fuel for your walking pilgrimage. When traveling with a group, many meals are included and pre-arranged, so you can arrive for dinner without figureing out where to go. During the day, your guide can point out great spots for a snack, coffee, or lunch too.
When you book a walking pilgrimage with Select International Tours, you will have a professional guide with you every step of the way. They will ensure that you get the most out of every step of your journey.

What are the benefits of a guided walking pilgrimage?


History, Tradition, and Legend

As you can imagine, the Camino de Santiago, the Way of Saint Francis, and the Borders Abbeys contain much history and stories. It’s impossible to learn everything about them before you go, and having your head in a book or an app throughout your entire walking pilgrimage defeats the purpose. Having a professional and experienced guide to guide you allows you to gain that knowledge with wide-open eyes. 

Immediate Help During Unforeseen Challenges

No trip overseas is without challenges. When you walk anywhere for multiple days, you will encounter obstacles. Having an experienced guide at your disposal means you can rest easily, knowing that you will be cared for, no matter the challenges. 

The Best Accommodations and Curated Experiences

Rather than researching and vetting every hotel yourself, Select will ensure you stay in the best accommodations possible while walking your pilgrimage route. Our knowledge, experience, and reputation will benefit you by providing a quality experience for every stay. Also, having a knowledgeable guide with you will help you see things most people miss while walking and help you find the best places to eat, shop, or visit at every stop.

How do I ensure that my trip is a true pilgrimage, not just a tour?

Prepare for Your Trip and Commit to the Experience

Not every walking pilgrimage will include a priest, and even though not every day will include Mass, it doesn’t mean that you are not on a pilgrimage. Preparing spiritually for your trip is something that every pilgrim should do before any pilgrimage, but on a walking pilgrimage, it is especially important. 

Meet with a priest or pastor to talk through your specific journey. They may have prayers or reflections to carry with you on the pilgrimage. You might also plan on journaling each night to recall each day’s challenges and how God showed up in their midst. You should read about the journeys of previous pilgrims to see what you might glean for your pilgrimage. And, of course, ask. Your guide can help you find churches along the route for Mass or suggest the best times and places to spend in prayer throughout the journey.

Remember, a walking pilgrimage is an inner journey as much as a physical one, so commit to fully engaging with the experience during your trip.

Why choose Select International Tours for my walking pilgrimage?

Turn Key Travel Experience with Select International Tours (1)

Turn-key Travel Experience

We take care of every detail so you can focus on the experience. We arrange upscale accommodations, excellent culinary options, airport transfers, and ground transportation on those days when you just can’t walk any further.

Turn Key Travel Experience with Select International Tours

Professional Guides

Each of our walking pilgrimages is led by an experienced and knowledgeable guide who will be with you from the moment you arrive until you depart. They will lead and assist you daily by teaching you, telling stories, pointing out important things, and helping with anything you need while walking.

Community of Walkers with Select International Tours

Community and Connection

Your walking pilgrimage will include a group of like-minded people with whom you can share the journey and lean on in times of need. You might arrive as strangers, but you will leave as friends.

Peace of Mind with Select International Tours

Personalized Preparation for the Journey

Our walking pilgrimage guide will contact you long before the trip with tips for preparing your gear, clothing, and body. You’ll meet your guide (virtually) before the trip to discuss any concerns or questions, so when you arrive, you are as prepared as possible for the journey.

How Do I Get Started?

Are you ready to take the first step of your walking pilgrimage? That’s great! We are so excited to help you prepare. Click the button below to choose a walking pilgrimage that accepts registrations, or if you have a group that wants to go, call us at 1-800-842-4842, and we will build a custom walking pilgrimage for your group.

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