Tipping On Pilgrimage

Pilgrims often ask what the guidelines are for tipping on pilgrimage. While tips are usually collected up front for the Holy Land, this is not always the case for other countries. Matt shares some helpful insight on this topic.

When you travel on pilgrimage with us, you will received guidelines regarding tipping, but here is a list to help you become familiarized:

Bus driver: $6.00 per person, per day

Tour guide: $8.00 per person, per day

Local city tour guide: $2.00 person, per day

Porterage: $2.00 per bag in & $2.00 per bag out at each hotel

Waiters/Wait Staff: $2.00 per person, per meal

Cleaning staff/Chambermaids: $2.00-$3.00 per person, per day

Church donations: $1.00-$2.00 per person, every Mass

Incidentals/Misc.: $100.00


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