Credit Card Tips for Traveling on Pilgrimage
Credit Card Tips While Traveling on Pilgrimage We use credit cards all the time, but these tips will help you be sure that you have the right cards, that they don’t get blocked, and what to do if you lose or misplace a car while traveling. Would you like...
Airline Passenger Rights: How to Find What You’re Entitled To
Airline Passenger Rights: How to Find What You’re Entitled To The airline completely controls your ticket once you check in on a flight. So it’s important to know your rights when flying. In this tip, Matt explains how you can arm yourself with the...
Are You Prepared for the New European VISA?
Are You Prepared for the New European VISA? Some changes are coming to travel from the United to the European Union in 2024. We are sharing what we know so far, but stay tuned for more information coming soon. What we know so far Would you like to help...
UPDATED New European Visa Requirements Starting Early 2025. Are You Prepared for ETIAS?
You may have heard about a new “visa requirement” for US travelers to enter the European Union. While it is not technically a “visa requirement,” a new pre-arrival authorization is coming in 2024. If you are a US citizen traveling to the EU as a tourist, you will need this ETIAS documentation to enter. Here is what you need to know.

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