Holy Land Impressions by Rose Sweet

Holy Land Impressions by Rose Sweet

Back from our 10-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land. My heart is still in another world even though my feet are in California.
I knew I would experience emotions, but I also knew not to force it. Just sit back and let the Lord speak to me. I was unprepared…

What do I do if…

What do I do if…

What do I do if… If you are like most pilgrims, you are probably wondering what to do if things happen on your trip. Rather than wonder, take a look through these frequently asked “What-ifs” and put your mind at ease. You miss a connecting flight, or...
Is it Safe: Traveling to and from the Holy Land

Is it Safe: Traveling to and from the Holy Land

Is it Safe: Traveling to and from the Holy Land Anticipation “Oh, please be careful. It’s so dangerous over there.” I knew my friend meant well, but her words were not comforting. I was only a few days away from departing for the Holy Land and my nerves were already...