10 Best Biblical Verses About Travel

Some wonderful Bible verses to keep in mind on your next pilgrimage from Eliza Myers at GoingOnFaith.com: The constant movement between meals, hotels and daily attractions can make a trip go by in a blur. To reflect on the importance of your journey, you need to...

Is God calling you to go on a pilgrimage?

Pilgrimages are not a new thing. People have journeyed to places of special spiritual significance for thousands of years. God calls on people to make pilgrimages. Going back to the time of the ancient Hebrews, the faithful were called to journey to Jerusalem on a...

How to be a good pilgrim?

More and more, group leaders who want to help pilgrims get the full pilgrimage experience are faced with overcoming a fixation with images and technology that completely overshadows experiencing the reality of setting off on a journey, meeting new people, exploring...