
2025 is a Holy Year in Italy!
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What is a Jubilee and What's so Special About it?

In the Old Testament, the Israelites celebrated a Jubilee every fifty years. It was a special time of forgiveness and a reminder of God’s providence. Today, the Catholic Church recognizes a Jubilee every twenty-five years to ensure that every generation can experience this Holy Year of forgiveness and reconciliation.

When the Pope opens the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica to begin the Jubilee, pilgrims will be welcomed to pass through the Holy Doors of the four major Basilicas in Rome, symbolically following Jesus’ words in St. John’s Gospel, Chapter 10, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” During the Jubilee Year, pilgrims walking through the Holy Doors have a special chance for a plenary indulgence!

Trips to the 2025 Jubilee in Italy


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Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy and Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis with Fr. Gonzalez
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Bishop Brendan J. Cahill
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome and Medjugorje with Fr, Mark Haydu, LC
A Pilgrimage to Malta, Sicily, and the Amalfi Coast with Fr. Mike Nolan
Jubilee Year High School Pilgrimage to Rome with Fr. David Michael Htun and Katrina and Job Springer
Sandra Jean Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy 2025
Fr. Casey Jones Italy Pilgrimage
Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope Denver to Rome
Family Pilgrimage to Rome with Catholic Sprouts hosted by Nancy and Bill Bandzuch and Fr. Ben Kociemba
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Clinton Sensat
Frassati 25: A Pilgrimage to Italy for Men with Fr. Vincent Berhard, O.P. and Fr. Pachomius Walker, O.P.
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Italy and the Canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati with Fr. Matt Norwood and Monet Souza
Miracles of the Eucharist Holy Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Michael and Lucy Scotti
Jubilee Year and Miracles of the Eucharist Pilgrimage with Fr. Chuck Ruoff
Miracles of the Eucharist A Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Fr. Dennis Gill
Miracles of the Eucharist A Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Fr. Dennis Gill and Helen Holroyd
Parish Pilgrimage to Italy Pilgrims of Praise with Fr. Bernard Ayo Oniwe, O.P.
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome with Fr. Matthew Nash
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Larry Richards
Fr. Thomas Chillog Pilgrimage Italy 2025
Walking the Way of St. Francis with Russ and Jane Eanes
Valencia Camp Italy 2025
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Msgr. James Kruse
Eucharistic Miracles and Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Msgr. Paul Bochicchio and Fr. Ernie Rush
Miracles of the Eucharist A Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Monica Marroquin
Four Corners Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy and Medjugorje with Fr. Peter Short
Miracles and Saints 2025 Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy with Julie and Patrick Storr and Fr. David Esquiliano
Miracles of the Eucharist Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Tom Heathershaw
Holy Year & Miracles of the Eucharist Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Kevin Gallagher and Fr. John Donia
Miracles of the Eucharist Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Fr. Xavy Castro
Holy Face Pilgrimage to Malta, Sicily, and Rome with Fr. Lawrence Carney and Patrick O'Hearn
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Paul J. Kim and Fr. Augustine Puchner (Norbertines)

Check back often! More trips coming soon!

Frequently Asked Questions About the Jubilee

When is the Jubilee?

The Jubilee year begins on December 24, 2024, when the Pope opens the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and ends on January 6, 2026.

What is a Plenary Indulgence?

Simply put, a plenary indulgence removes the punishment due for sins. However, it is important to understand it more fully. Here are some resources to learn more:


Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1471

What is the specific theme of this coming Jubilee year?

The theme of the upcoming Jubilee year is Pilgrims of Hope. In this day and age, is there anything more fitting?

I want to bring my Parish, Bible Study, or other group to the Jubilee. Can Select Help?

Yes! We would love to help you bring your group to the Jubilee in Italy. Click here to learn a bit more and set up a call so we can share how easy it is to lead a group with Select International Tours. Or simply give us a call at 1-800-842-4842

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Lead a Pilgrimage with Select International Tours

Do you have a group of ten or more people that want to travel together? Let’s partner and plan a trip! It’s easy to get started.

1.) Review some of the trips above to see what you like.

2.) Email us at guestservices@select-intl.com or click the button below to schedule a call.

3.) Start inviting people to join you in Italy!

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