by matt | Mar 11, 2021 | Blog, Featured, Pilgrimage Stories, Uncategorized
A Marian apparition site, Benedictine monastery, and a JFK mosaic inside of a cathedral – what more could you ask for out of a trip? We were able to see all of these and more on our mother-daughter trip to Ireland two years ago. Our 10-day trip took us around the...
by matt | Dec 11, 2020 | Featured, Pilgrimage Stories, Tips
Am I not here, I who am your mother? On this day 489 years ago, December 12, 1531, Juan Diego heard these words in his native language from Our Lady on Tepeyac Hill in Guadalupe, Mexico (now a part of Mexico City). She healed his uncle and asked for a church to...
by matt | Nov 30, 2020 | Blog, Featured, Pilgrimage Stories, Reviews
Growing up Catholic, I, of course, had been to the Good Friday liturgies, but doubt that I really understood or fully appreciated the Passion of Our Lord. As an adult, I was blessed to go to the Holy Land, where I got a glimpse into the life of Christ, saw where He...
by matt | Nov 14, 2020 | Featured, Pilgrimage Stories, Tips and Tricks
In November of 2018, my life was forever altered through an unexpected opportunity to lead a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Pilgrimage was not on my landscape. My days were filled with family and career responsibilities; there was no time to even consider traveling. I...
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