2025 Trips

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Fr. Tom Betz France 2025
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy and Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis with Fr. Gonzalez
Walking the Camino Portuguese with Russ and Jane Eanes
Walking in the Footsteps of St. Paul Pilgrimage to Greece with Fr. Kevin O'Brien
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Bishop Brendan J. Cahill
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome and Medjugorje with Fr, Mark Haydu, LC
A Pilgrimage to Malta, Sicily, and the Amalfi Coast with Fr. Mike Nolan
A Pilgrimage to Greece with Bishop Joseph E. Strickland and Joe McClane Including a 3 Day Aegan Cruise
Jubilee Year High School Pilgrimage to Rome with Fr. David Michael Htun and Katrina and Job Springer
A Pilgrimage to Greece with Brenda Quinn and Fr. Sanjai Devis including a 3 Day Aegean Cruise
Pilgrimage to Portugal and Spain with Fr. Christian Cook and Cheryl Jordan
Sandra Jean Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy 2025
Fr. Casey Jones Italy Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes with Fr. John Gordon
Wilderness Retreat in Switzerland with Jason Evert
Fr. Leo Patalinghug Medjugorje and Croatia 2025
Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope Denver to Rome
A Pilgrimage for Women to France with Fr. Christopher Viscardi and Catherine Druhan
Holy Isles, Borders Abbeys and Hadrian's Wall with Russ and Jane Eanes
Family Pilgrimage to Rome with Catholic Sprouts hosted by Nancy and Bill Bandzuch and Fr. Ben Kociemba
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Clinton Sensat
Frassati 25: A Pilgrimage to Italy for Men with Fr. Vincent Berhard, O.P. and Fr. Pachomius Walker, O.P.
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Italy and the Canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati with Fr. Matt Norwood and Monet Souza
Shrines of Spain Pilgrimage with Fr. Hung Nguyen and Alex Isip
Heroes of Heaven France for Families with Fabiola Garza and Keith Downey
Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Eastern Canada with Richard Brito and Fr. Kyle Nesrsta
Pilgrimage to Fatima and Medjugorje with Rev. Joseph Philor, SMM
Fatima and the Douro River Cruise with Gus and Michelle Lloyd and Fr Leo Patalinghug
Pilgrimage to Poland with Fr. Bob Knippenberg
Miracles of the Eucharist Holy Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Michael and Lucy Scotti
Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to Poland and Prague with Bishop Joseph Strickland and Doug Barry
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Deacon Jose Rodriguez
Jubilee Year and Miracles of the Eucharist Pilgrimage with Fr. Chuck Ruoff
Miracles of the Eucharist A Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Fr. Dennis Gill
Miracles of the Eucharist A Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Fr. Dennis Gill and Helen Holroyd
Footsteps of St. Paul Pilgrimage to Greece with John Edwards and Fr. James Clark
Parish Pilgrimage to Italy Pilgrims of Praise with Fr. Bernard Ayo Oniwe, O.P.
Pilgrimage to France with Frs. Edgar and Tholito and Sr. Maria Lan
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Kim Zember and Jackie Francois Angel
France Holy Face Marian Pilgrimage of Reparation with Jule Lane and Fr. Frank Furman
Pilgrimage to France with Claire Couche and Fr. Bryan Stitt
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome with Fr. Matthew Nash
Reformation in Germany and Switzerland with Steve and Ruth Macchia
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Fr. Keeton Lockwood
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Larry Richards
Fr. Thomas Chillog Pilgrimage Italy 2025
Seine River Cruise Pilgrimage with Fr. Guy Noonan and Deacon Chip Magner
Seine River Cruise Pilgrimage with Fr. Joseph Scardella
St. Joseph Parish Saints and Shrines of France River Cruise Pilgrimage
Walking the Way of St. Francis with Russ and Jane Eanes
Footsteps of St. Paul Pilgrimage to Greece with Fr. Gary Mayer
Pilgrimage to France, Spain, and Portugal with Linda Capobianco
Warriors of France with Bishop Joseph L. Coffey, Alexis Walkenstein, & Jaymie Stuart Wolfe
Valencia Camp Italy 2025
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Msgr. James Kruse
Shrines and Fine Dining A Pilgrimage to Canada with Fr. Leo Patalinghug
Eucharistic Miracles and Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Msgr. Paul Bochicchio and Fr. Ernie Rush
Miracles of the Eucharist A Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Monica Marroquin
Four Corners Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy and Medjugorje with Fr. Peter Short
Miracles and Saints 2025 Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy with Julie and Patrick Storr and Fr. David Esquiliano
Fatima, Lourdes, and the Carmelite Sites of Spain with Fr. Randal Kasel
Miracles of the Eucharist Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Tom Heathershaw
Holy Year & Miracles of the Eucharist Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Kevin Gallagher and Fr. John Donia
Holy Land Pilgrimage with Fr. Joe Pearce, CO and George Rainone
Miracles of the Eucharist Jubilee Year Pilgrimage with Fr. Xavy Castro
Holy Face Pilgrimage to Malta, Sicily, and Rome with Fr. Lawrence Carney and Patrick O'Hearn
Holy Year Pilgrimage to Italy with Paul J. Kim and Fr. Augustine Puchner (Norbertines)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage to Mexico with Fr. DeWayne Kayser
Faith and Food of the Holy Land with Fr. Leo Patalinghug

2026 Trips

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Saints and Shrines of France with Fr. John Eze and Tammie Schenkel
A Pilgrimage to France with Fr. John Baptist Hoang and Laura Makin
40 Years of Spirit A Pilgrimage to Rome with Fr. Drew Woodke, John Morris, and Spirit FM Staff
Pilgrimage to Catholic Italy with Fr. Michael Sartori
"Become the Fire" with St. Paul in Greece with Joelle Maryn and Fr. Peter Zorjan
A Marian Pilgrimage to France, Spain, and Portugal with Stephen Binz
Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers Pilgrimage to France with Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap.

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